Rustic chickpea soup with Sunny HeRBs lemongrass cuttlefish and crispy bacon

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Rustic chickpea soup with Sunny HeRBs lemongrass cuttlefish and crispy bacon

A single course a big surprise: pairing ingredients you wouldn’t expect to find together. Savour every single mouthful of this recipe: rustic chickpea soup with Sunny HeRBs lemongrass cuttlefish and crispy bacon.
Watch the video and follow the recipe!
AROMA SAPORE SALUTE in your kitchen!
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4


  • 200g dried chickpeas
  • 400g cleaned cuttlefish
  • 16 bacon slices
  • 3 Sunny HeRBs lemongrass stalks
  • 1 celery stick
  • 1 onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Soak dried chickpeas for 24h to rehydrate. Add them to a large pot, cover with water and bring everything to a boil.
  • Clean Sunny HeRBs lemongrass stalks
  • Add the lemongrass stalks to the pot with chickpeas when they are almost ready. 
  • When the chickpeas are cooked, drain them and set aside.
  • Pound some Sunny HeRBs lemongrass so it releases its natural aromatic oils and chop the remaining Sunny HeRBs lemongrass stalks
  • Heat up some oil in a pan and add minced garlic and lemongrass, then pour the chickpeas and cook for a while. Turn off the stove and pour everything in the food processor bowl.
  • Mix quickly the ingredients to get a chunky soup. Keep it warm.
  • Fill a pot with water, add celery, carrot and onion and bring to a boil. Cook the cuttlefish.
  • When it is ready, chop the cuttlefish julienne style.
  • Crisp four bacon slices per person in a non-stick frying pan.
  • Pour the cuttlefish strips into the pan where you fried the bacon so it can develop a richer flavour.
  • Serve the soup topped with cuttlefish and crispy bacon.
  • Italiano
  • Français
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