Crunchy chicken skewer with lime and Sunny heRBs bay laurel
A quick and easy recipe to prepare a delicious chicken breast, flavouredwith Sunny heRBs bay laurel, rosemary, sage and thyme.Ready?Watch the video or click here for the complete recipe.AROMA SAPORE SALUTE in your kitchen!
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 15 mins
Cuisine Italiana
Servings 2
- 250 g Chicken breast
- 1 Medium lime
- Bread crumbs to coat the chicken breast
- 3/4 leaves Sunny heRBs sage
- 1/2 small branches Sunny heRBs rosemary
- 3/4 leaves Sunny heRBs bay laurel
- 2/3 small branches Sunny heRBs thyme
- Extra virgin olive oil t.t.
- Salt and pepper t.t.
- Finely chop the Sunny heRBs: sage, rosemary, bay laurel, thyme
- Add the fine-grained herbs to the bread crumbs and stir them together
- Slice the chicken breasts into small pieces
- Cutt he lime into thin slices
- Thread the chicken and the lime slices onto skewers alternately
- Coat the skewers with the mixture of bread crumbs and herbs, making sure it adhereswell on each side
- Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C